How this website came to be

Please note: This website has no affiliation with the French company named Ethical Coffee. We do not sell coffee and have no financial interest in any individual company. This website's purpose is solely to provide unbiased information.

One of my favorite simple pleasures is a good cup of coffee. Even better is sipping coffee while looking out my window at songbirds in my backyard.

Then there are some of my favorite memories: The towering trees on an impossibly steep slope of the cordillera central of Puerto Rico, or the friendly "adios" of a passing farmer walking down a dusty rural road in Costa Rica.

These things may seem unrelated. But today, nearly everything is intertwined somehow.

Photo credits

The photos on this site come from stock.xchang. On each page of this site, the background image of the roasted coffee beans is by Meliha Gojak. The image of the bird is by Joan Kocur, the image of the man is by Juan Alberto Ramírez D, and the image of the woman drinking coffee is by Adriana Poveda.

The image of hands holding coffee beans on the home page and the harvest photo on the "Why certifications matter" page are by Ana Labate.

The image of the Baltimore oriole on the "Why certifications matter" page is by Tiffany Clark.

That's why I created this website. Because while the choices we make when buying coffee really can make a difference that stretches far from our kitchen tables, those choices can be bewildering, with all the different special labels and certifications available.

I figured if I had questions about what these labels mean, then other people probably did, too. The answers are out there. But they're scattered among various websites or buried in academic or technical papers.

So the real purpose of this website is to give you the answers you're looking for in about the time it takes you to enjoy a good mug or two of coffee.

Thanks for stopping by.
